Alright, today’s Amazon deal of the hour is Diablo 2 battlechest for 27 bucks. Not a GREAT deal ( has it for $30), but amazon is tax-less and ships free.
Boramis also found a deal where you can buy used keys for about $6, then use them on blizzard’s site to get the media (Download to replace scratched cds). Certainly way cheaper.
For those that are interested, I recommend jumping on the deal and letting me know here. Step 2 will be getting everyone’s schedule and coming up with a good day/time. If you already own it, let me know as well.
I own it & the media… all however many CD’s I’m supposed to have… 3, 4, or 5…
Used Boramis’ method, got issued new keys upon registering the old ones (bought on g2buy) on Blizzard. I am open to playing Mon-Thurs after 6pm. Sunday anytime.
I am downloading new cds from blizzard right now. this rules.
I’ll be around pretty much all week as far as I know.
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