Alright, I put this off for awhile, but now it’s time to get a firm party and date for this shindig. Post your available Days and Times, and your Top 2-3 Class choices. We’ll dub the timeslot as D2day. ;)
Once a week, a couple of hours or quests a week. This is not as ‘optional’ as pLayday, as it’ll be harder to move forward if people do not show, or are different levels.
Monday, Wednesday after 7pm.
Probably moving pLayday in a month or two to Thurs, which would free up Tuesdays, too.
Sorceress, Barbarian, Necromancer
also, since doesn’t support VoIP, we’ll probably be using Skype or Steam to communicate. We’ll organize that once we’ve got the party formed.
I’m two hours behind you guys so the later the better. I should be able to play any day of the week right now, since I don’t have my other activities.
Druid, Paladin, Necromancer