Let’s do something fun and easy that requires no organization in any way. Castle Crashers and Rock Band prove to be a bit on the complicated side, forcing people to get excluded from the fun due to not being organized enough up front. That’s fine from time to time, but it’s also fun to include everyone who wants to play. There’s only one game in town that manages to do just that: Halo 3.
Still the King when it comes to the multiplayer arena due to slick user interface, though perhaps Rock Band 2 will prove to be nearly as easy once more people own it.
anyone up for some MP of any kind tonight? i’ve got nothing going on tonight and i have the feeling i’m gonna be glued to my 360. i’m thinking about going into some GTAIV multiplayer since i just finished the story and have completely neglected the online aspect of the game. anyways, if anyone sees me on, shoot me a message. i’ll play anything.