pLayday: Burnout Paradise now $20


So, who owns Burnout Paradise?  Would anyone be interested in playing this / picking it up as a regular pLayday title for a mere $20 clams?

It is getting a large free patch soon that will rebalance the game and add Restart as a race option (the thing holding me back):

Note: there is a soon to be released DLC that will include Kitt, Ecto-1, the DeLorean, and the Dukes of Hazard General Lee.


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No. 2004 was the year of games.


With the recent Oscar talk, I can’t help but remember all the hubub people made about this year being the year of games.  How so many great games were coming out in such short a period of time.  I remember them saying that the year before, too.

But they are wrong.

2004 was the year of games. Period.  Here’s a quick link to Gamespot’s list, though with a little research I’m sure you could find another title or two they missed. Continue reading

Because all things L4D are cool…

Most people think adding Wiimotes to custom jobs is cool.  I think adding L4D to anything is cool.  Therefore, this may be doubly cool to some of you.

To everyone else, it will at least be signularly cool:

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I finally beat: Fallout 1 part 1


Fallout 1 is going to be a difficult game to tackle.  I think I’ll write up a more conventional post, covering the basics of gameplay and avoid spoilers, like I normally do, for gamers who may still want to retro game this title.  I’ll be writing a second post that dives more into the themes presented another time.

From a gameplay standpoint, Fallout 1 is one of the best open-ended RPGs.  The world is completely open and explorable.  Your main quest is to find a water chip for your Vault.  Unlike most games, there is no artificial progression through the story line.  One quest does not lead to the next.  There are hints scattererd around the world; completing quests sometimes reveals the next piece of the puzzle, other times it just helps or hurts the world a little.  Each quest can be solved multiple ways, often with different morale dilemmas.  In cities filled with the destruction and decay of a nuclear holocaust, do you uphold the morale values of yesterday, or adopt the attitude necessary to survive the wasteland?

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Six games that everyone should play, and can.

Here is an article I ran across awhile back.  It picks out 6 retro games that can run on nearly any PC (or even emulated on Linux or Mac).  Just about every title here is a classic.

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Free Half-life 2 Deathmatch

There is one negative of steam:  Individual packages can be cut up even further.

When Half-life 1 launched: any mod of it was freely available.  Now: TFC and Counter-strike are considered separate packages.  Half-life 2’s Deathmatch is actually a separate component from HL2, and was not included with Orange Box.

However, owners of Nvidia or ATI graphics cards can download HL2’s deathmatch (and Lost Coast) for free.

Thanks, Cheapassgamer

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Torment's Intro

Planescape: Torment.  Made with the Forgotten Realms: Baldur’s Gate engine, but significantly more plot focused and less about combat.  It almost plays like an adventure game.

It has a similar feel and presentation as the movie Momento.  However, it came out well before Momento.  Great writing overall, and great dialog.

Here are some of my previous posts on it:

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don’t tell me the ending to: Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica is one of the best shows currently on television.  Much like other recent, popular TV series, BG is a continual story connected with consecutive episodes.  It is not a plot you can jump into midway; you have to start with the pilot and watch the show sequentially.

Galactica has introduced a number of plot and characters over its three and a half seasons.  Soon, season 4 will resume on January 16th from its mid-season hiatus.  These final episodes will conclude the story started back in 2003 with the relaunch of the show.

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Surviving Expert L4D

I found this wordpress blog post to be both informative and interesting.  Did you know that once you set a Tank on fire, it is going to die X seconds later, no matter if you shoot it or not?  Or that if it jumps in the water the fire goes out, but it will still die X seconds later?

Useful stuff.  I’m going to have to try some of this out.

I finally watched: Sukiyaki Western Django


This is not a movie that can be recommended to anybody.  It can simply be explained.  Your listener, you, can then decide if they should get excited:

A modern take on the spaghetti western, filmed in Japan were lines are delivered in broken English from Japanese actors who may or may not actually know how to speak English.  And Quentin Tarantino has a part in it.

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