When Childhood Dream Comes True: Final Fantasy IV on the DS

When Childhood Dream Comes True: Final Fantasy IV on the DS

My favorite games of all time were the Final Fantasy games on the Super Nintendo. I was younger then, less jaded, more welcoming. I could accept a cliche story line (back then, I probably didn’t have enough of a literary background to know what was cliche) and the silliness that is Final Fantasy. I’m not going to go into “what’s wrong with games today” or anything like that, but I just everybody to know that I liked Final Fantasy above all else. I have never since had such a connection to a video game.

So, now we flash forward to the years 2008 and with me, a bitter old man who’s bitching about some wossname or other. Video Game no longer have that magic associated with it like my Super Nintendo days but rather a release where I can take some pent up energy and frustration and vent it out of my thumbs. It’s a social experience where I can digitally see my friends or make some ears bleed by singing in Rock Band. I don’t have 16 hours day to play games anymore, now that I have bills to pay and chores to do (who am I kidding, I probably do chores once a month). Anyhow, point is, video games are now mundane. Continue reading

Fallout 3: Lunchbox

Fallout 3: Lunchbox

I generally don’t buy the collector’s editions of games, but seeing the swag with the Fallout 3 Collector Edition, I think I have to change my tune.

It comes with a Fallout 3 lunchbox. Awesome.

WALL-E Number 5 – Alive

WALL-E Number 5 – Alive


Sometime, I think that I might just be bitter at what’s successful. From disliking popular video games such as Metal Gear Solid or “not getting” critically acclaimed movies such as No Country for Old Men, I would say that my tastes would be a barometer at what’s crass and classless. I knew I was in trouble when I was gleefully laughing at Zohan with its 34% on Rotten Tomatoes. Continue reading

I Dislike MGS. I am not alone.

I Dislike MGS. I am not alone.

Metal Gear

Metal Gear

I think in the world of gamers we are split into two groups. Those who like Metal Gear Solid, and those who dislike Metal Gear Solid. I fall into the camp of the latter.

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Psych: TV show on USA

Psych: TV show on USA

I like watching tv. Psych is part of the new USA network lineup of shows in the same vein of Monk. In short, it’s about a clever character solving mysteries.

Psych is about a detective agency with two partners, the black guy (Gus) and the white guy (Shawn). Shawn has a special ability where he can instantly recognize important clues pertaining to the case that they are currently working on. Of course, it would be too simple if he just told everybody that he was a good detective, so instead he pretends that he’s psychic and the way that he solves cases is by overacted psychic readings.

He also is in conflict with the local head detective with playful pranks and verbal sparring. It’s good to have a source of constant conflict.

I think that the real reason why I like this show is its reference to kitchy pop culture. From Knight Rider t-shirts to nipples on superhero costumes, the show has plenty of small notable mentions of things that are from my childhood. I would say that it’s probably a hard show to get into if you didn’t grow up in the 80’s, but if you had, it’s good stuff. Highly recommended.

A Dirty Job: The Book.

A Dirty Job: The Book.

Sometimes, there are times when we do not have access to electronics. Apparently, there are other forms of media to accommodate that situation. There are these black and while pieces of paper that have icons on them arranged in a certain order that conveys ideas directly into the brain when you decode them. These things are called “books” and they entertain you when you “read” them. They don’t even require electricity. What will they think of next?

I just  finished “reading” A Dirty Job, which is a “book” by Christopher Moore. In short, it was pretty good in a modern day whimsical style.

I found this book by looking for something similar to Terry Pratchett. Moore is described as entertaining, the only criticism is that he isn’t British. A Dirty Job has truly enjoyable characters and it looks at death with classic ideas in a modern setting. I think even though the plot of the book isn’t as flushed out as it could be, I though that the book was enjoyable just because we looked at the lives of entertaining characters. These characters knew they were being funny (vs Terry Pratchett, in which everything is done with tongue in cheek).

In short, if you enjoy zainy books and like Terry Pratchett and Douglas (Hitchhiker’s Guide), this book is on the recommended list. If you only read Clancy or King, maybe you should just wait another 6 days or so when a new King book comes out.

Researchers: Red players beat blue in online game

Researchers: Red players beat blue in online game

I don’t think we do a lot of linking to news stories, but I feel that this deserves mention because our resident host (Phokal) has an oddly ocd fetish with being on the red team. Apparently, he knew something that we didn’t.

According to scientific research, the Red team beats the Blue team in more matches. They did a study of 1,347 online matches of Unreal tournament 2004 and they found that the red team won 55% of the time. I had always thought that Phokal’s ability to destroy me in games was due to quick reflexes, an acute sense of 3d space when viewed through a 2d plane, and a pair of superthumbs that even Fonzie would covet. I guess the truth is that he’s just always been on the red team.


You Don't Mess with the Zohan. Watch It.

You Don’t Mess with the Zohan. Watch It.

It’s funny. That’s all you need to know. Sure, it got crushed in the reviews, but who are you watching movies for? Them or you?

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I beat before Phokal: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness

I beat before Phokal: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness

This game was a seven hour self-indulgent wank-fest that caters specifically to fans of the Penny Arcade guys. Fortunately, I am a fan.

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