I will def. be seeing “District 9” August 14.
Apple Trailers also has some hot movies. Check em’
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This looks like a solid idea for an arcade racing game. Racers can trigger explosions and other enviromental destructions, such as bridge collapses, to take-out opposing cars.
Trailer found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfqyqSXu0Qs
A 2009 Guy Ritchie Film: Sherlock Holmes. It is to be released in December 2009.
Iron Man 2 is now in pre-production. Release date for 2010.
So you’ve seen Scarface and Goodfellas and you think you’ve seen the greatest gangster films. Don’t limit yourself to only a couple famous movies. I highly recommend watching Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels followed by Snatch. They’re bomb and will blow your mind.
According to the Onion News Network, Sony released a worthless piece of shit today.
It can be found here
For those who haven’t been to http://www.apple.com/trailers/ definitely check it out. I believe it’s, by far, the best compilation of movie trailers due to its organization, simplicity, and quality.
Some upcoming movies to watch for include:
I know I’ve missed some so feel free to add more. See http://www.apple.com/trailers/ for more info and trailer videos.