I'm beginning to undig this layout of t …

I’m beginning to undig this layout of the site. You may see it reworked again over the weekend.

pLayday: 7/8 – Coop We'll see who co …

pLayday: 7/8 – Coop

We’ll see who comes today. If it is a low number like the last two times, then we may be able to do some Halo achievement hunting, co-op campaign with scoring, gta co-op.
I’m thinking next week, or the week after, we should shoot for some Diablo 2 co-op (up to 8 players). Who’d be interested in that? The battlechest goes on sale for $20. Is it available for that anywhere this week?

Irony?: I don't own Mario Kart Wii M …

Irony?: I don’t own Mario Kart Wii

My friends, friends of friends, even the manager at the Subway I frequent, all have Mario Kart Wii. Everybody seems to have played it for at least a bit.

Craig and I (we both own a lot of video games) do not. Does that qualify as Irony?

Hulk Review SMASH Hulk film! I saw the …

Hulk Review SMASH Hulk film!
I saw the Hulk (more on that later), but here is a pretty humorous review done entirely in Hulk-speak.


A useful facebook app? Wii Friend Code o …

A useful facebook app? Wii Friend Code organizer

This may be the best use of facebook, yet. While I may get laughed at for the Wii Code in my phone, I’m also the only person to ever actually give someone a Wii Code. It’s not like anyone has the damn thing memorized.

Now, this technique may become a thing of the past.


Props to Zazzman for finding this. Now I won’t have to tattoo my friend code on my forearm.

I'm your medic, bitch. – This one's for you, Ted

I’m your medic, bitch. – This one’s for you, Ted

Matt found this. Unlike the warbling before of players singing, this song is actually catchy.

“I’m your medic, bitch…”

pLayday: 6/10 – CoD4, The Musical Whi …

pLayday: 6/10 – CoD4, The Musical

While a Call Of Duty musical would be entertaining (Price’s mustache easily places him in the cast of several), we could just play some. I know Zazz recently found a cheap copy, and I hope we can get some more people who own it to show as well.

And we could also just sing as well…

Site Reboot

1080p wallpaper

Site Reboot
Well, I’m currently working on a site reboot with a new layout. What do you think? Well, as for making posts, you’ll notice this handy device at the top for easy, quick posts. If you make the first line of the post:
followed by what you want to talk about

Then the post will automatically get the title, and it will also appear as the first line in bold. Handy, eh? I’ll be looking up other information, such as how big pictures should be, or if they are resized automatically after the post goes up. Of course, to insert a picture, you will need to make the post manually the old way (and you will need to put the title in the Body of the post for it to be viewable), or put up a post and then edit it to add the picture after the fact.

I’m going back and editing the titles of old posts, and duplicating them into the body for easy viewing.

Guide to Installing Fallout 1 and 2

Guide to Installing Fallout 1 and 2

For those of who wish to enjoy the long overdue pleasure of playing Fallout 1 and 2 (I’m looking at you Phokal) or want to relive it, you may not be aware that, since those long ago times, some dedicated fans have taken it upon themselves to fix up unpatched bugs and even add deleted content. The mass of fan patches and mods can be bewildering, so here, I’ll present the instructions to getting what I believe to be the best and purest Fallout experience.

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Ironman trailer to be made into full length movie!

I like Ironman

Ironman trailer to be made into full length movie!

As a big Ironman fan, I look forward to this. I think the studio will be able to pull this off, since they managed to get Robert Downey Jr. to reprise his role as Tony Stark from the trailer.

Here’s hoping the game based on the movie based on the trailer based on the comic is just as good.
