Bird can sing FF7's chocobo song.

I’ve heard of bird’s imitating what they hear repeatedly.  I’ve also heard this song on loop in game perhaps hundreds of times.  I never put the two together and thought of a bird learning the song and then singing it.

Don’t watch the whole video to get the idea; but click to the end to hear a quick alternate tune.

I finally beat: Prototype

My name is Alex Mercer and I have a gravely voice. To understand the following blog entry, you should watch the above narration to appreciate my tone and delivery.

I’m an amnesiac hero angry at the world, and I’m on a quest for revenge to find out what was done to me.  These powers, great and awesome as they are, are a mystery that makes me angry.  And in my anger, I will hunt and kill anyone who knows, because I am not a detective; I am a monster. A very angry monster in an open world GTA-like game with super powers. I am not Nancy Drew.

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Avoid Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Servers. They are broken.

As of the launch, and a few days later, Left 4 Dead 2 dedicated servers are broken.  I have had repeated attempts to play with friends ruined by the matchmaking system placing us in a dedicated server that gave us all 1 bar of red lag.  The system is supposed to choose someone as a host in these cases, but this matchmaking logic is not triggering.  From the Pre-Match game setup screen, you can edit the servers options to look for a dedicated server (and fall back on local hosting), or skip looking for a dedicated server and simply use a Local Host.  By picking this option, I am able to easily host 4 player coop sessions of Xbox Live.

I’ll be testing L4D2 versus later.

For now, feel free to try to search for a dedicated server, but do not be surprised if you need to Vote to Return to Lobby, and manually switch to a Local Host to have a playable experience.

don’t tell me the ending to: Left 4 Dead 2

I’ll start off with that, so far, I really enjoy Left 4 Dead 2.  L4D2 had a lot of negative feedback from fans of L4D1 since it was released only a year after the initial title.  L4D1’s content was sparse and most of us fans purchased L4D1 on the assumption there would be more content added for us for free or a reasonable price.  Instead, very little was released and L4D1 feels content poor; the solution is to buy the fully priced sequel that appears to be little more than an upgrade or expansion pack.

From what I’ve played, L4D2 both defies and meets these expectations.

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Gears2 offering triple XP horde mode

gears2 capture point

Gears 2 is offering a limited time multiplayer event: Triple XP in Horde and multiplayer modes.  Until Nov 16th, all XP is tripled, and there are a slew of other features and playlists.

LINK, Thanks CoOp

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Prince of Persia Trailer(s) are here

A little late, but here are some Prince of Persia trailers.  As you may know, I’m a big fan of the original PoP, and the Sands of Time trilogy (xbox/ps2/gamecube games).  I’m also a big fan of the original Pirates of the Caribbean.  Hopefully, that means I’ll like this movie.  From the trailers,… I don’t know yet.  I was let down by the latest Prince of Persia title and the last Pirates movie.  But maybe they can rewind a bit, and catch some of the magic they originally had.  Plus, Mechner’s involved in this one.  He hasn’t been around since the original Sands of Time game.

IMDB, Ghost Buster III, and Chuck Norris



After Bill Murray’s awesome appearance in Zombie Land, I decided to take a gander at his IMDB page. I noticed the scripting and rumor of his next big movie, Ghost Busters III (2012).

Found Here:


Why does Chuck Norris sleep with a nightlight? Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark… but because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris and Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) will be casted together in Cowboys and Aliens (2011).

Found Here: