Movies to watch for

For those who haven’t been to definitely check it out. I believe it’s, by far, the best compilation of movie trailers due to its organization, simplicity, and quality.

Some upcoming movies to watch for include:

9Fast and FuriousMonsters Vs Aliensplanet51_200902051332transformersrevengeofthefallen_200901301739xmenoriginswolverine_200902021454watchmen_200810241502startrek_200811211647streetfighterthelegendofchunli_200901161719gijoeriseofthecobra_200901301738

I know I’ve missed some so feel free to add more. See for more info and trailer videos.

I got an iPhone.

I got an iPhone. Expect updates.

My biggest gripe would be a lack of good To Do list and Notes. Both of which have decent DLC solutions, but not as well integrated as the built in contact and calendar support.

Also, while Contacts has built in Address to Map support, Calendar appointments do not.

The is no push protocal for 3rd party apps, yet. So you must log into aim or facebook to see if you have messages waiting.


The touch screen is great. Useful and beautiful.

New apps coming out every week.

It is 3 devices in one, and the whole device is quite small. Phone, PDA, and iPod all in a flat device that easily fits in your pocket.

This post was sent from the iPhone.