Welcome! Got a lot of good things on sale, stranger!

Welcome! Got a lot of good things on sale, stranger!

So, I was in my local game shop browsing when I saw the gem Panzer Dragoon Orta for $10 bucks (it’s backwards compatible now) and I decide to walk up to the register to pay and leave.  After all, I had to get to bond movie night.

They have one of those 10% off used games clubs (so technically, PDO was $9).  The clerk asks for my last name to look up my club info.

Like a man wearing a trenchcoat around an alleyway, he leans over the counter:

“You want Wii Fit, right?”

Puzzled because I had just handed him an old Xbox game and had made no mention of the Wii, I still nod.  After all, I had just added my name to a queue; a list I was a few dozen low on since I had added my name to it just the day before (Thursday).

He must have recognized my name from the pre-order list for Wii Fit.

…or I just looked really out of shape…and hipster enough to own a Wii.

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