go buy: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Gamefly just threw up this deal for Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 for $24 with free shipping (and I believe no tax).  You probably won’t find this cheaper, and I’ve had pretty good luck with gamefly.  It’s used, and if you ever do get a bad disc you can apparently just send it back for replacement.

I haven’t had to do that yet.  And they come with box and instruction manual.


…and to think I paid full price for mine, and I haven’t even gotten through R6V1 yet…

Who else already owns this?

go buy: Audiosurf – $5

The basics: you drive around a track collecting gems into columns or rows of 3, and then scoring.  The cool aspect?  These tracks are dynamically created visualizations of any song you want.

Rough two-player co-op (one person uses mouse to control, one uses keyboard) also available.

Certainly worth it as the price of a McD’s meal.

Available through Steam.  Sale ends sometime today.  Possibly with the Heavy Update/Free TF2 weekend at 3pm CST.

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Go Buy: Day of Defeat Source – $5

5 dolla!

Go Buy: Day of Defeat Source – $5

As in, go buy it right now.  It is currently on sale through your friendly steam client.  Based on the very good HL1 mod, this HL2 stand-alone product just got the Achievement patch from valve.

Now, some of you may scoff at picking up this game:

-“My computer’s too crappy.”

-“I’m busy, so I don’t think I can get to it in time.”

-“I don’t know what it is, so I’m not interested.”

I’ll counter with:

It’s FIVE dollars; no tax, no shipping.  For the price of a DLC plane skin, picture pack, or a couple songs you get an entire game.  A game that is permanently associated with your steam account.  Automatically patched; automatically installed when you want.

Plus, you get to shoot Nazis.  Or Allies.  You know, depending on the team you’re on.

So, boot up steam, and leave your steam login name in the comments.  Link and instructions after the jump:

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