I finally read: Wolverine Origin

Loaned from a friend, I recently sat down and read Wolverine: Origin.  In the forward, a commenter mentions that there is no way someone could pull this off.  Despite his misgivings he grew to love the story and wish he had thought of it.  For me, there was no way it could ever live up to that hype.

Wolverine’s past has been one of those comic book mysteries for, what, 30 years?  And they expected to tell the story of his origin in what amounts to about 6 books?  With what they had to work with they did a marvel-ous (hah!) job, but by the end it certainly didn’t feel like enough.

Still, it’s a canon origin story.  Don’t *you* want to know his past?

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I finally read: Watchmen

I finally read: Watchmen

I bit behind on my posts.  Since I finished Watchmen a month or so back, I’ve loaned it out and back to about six different people.

This is one of Time’s Top 100 Novels for a reason.  Written back in 1986, this is the comic ‘blamed’ for dark comic stories.  This had the raving Conspiracy Theorist before they were popular.  A world without heroes when Batman still wore Blue and Gray.  An alternate Cold War history changed by the concept of heroes now long retired.  Watchmen is a story about people and their faults as much as the overall plot.

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I finally read: Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash

Out the Eyes!

I finally read: Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash

Worthy of a read based entirely on concept alone: a sequel to Freddy vs. Jason, with a bit of Army of Darkness thrown in. This comic’s contents could consist of someone wiping their ass with sandpaper and you would still take a look.

Thankfully, the interior is often as entertaining as the cover.

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