pLayday: 9/2 – Castle Crashers

This has inherit limits: only 4 players.  Of course, we could easily start up multiple games if we have more than 4 people.  I can easily see this being a combination of Phokal, Ztynzo, Boramis, Hintzilla or Chue.  If others want to play, but don’t want to plop down the cash for Castle Crashers,

come on over.

We/You could play a local game on the big TV, and I could setup an online match on the office box.  If you’re reading this and it sounds good to you, post and let me know so I can figure out how many empty player slots we’ve got.

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pLayday: 8/25 – Soul Calibur IV

I think we could go for another round of some SC IV.  Matt and I both have all the characters unlocked, and some more create-a-fighter pieces for the more creative amongst us.  I’ve got a 2 stick arcade setup that is pretty fun to use.

Instead of a tournament, last time we just played Braid.  We could get a bit more competative this time.  Anyone know how to set one of those ladders up (rather than just a winner stays…which is kinda of lame).

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pLayday: 8/19 – Soul Calibur IV

pLayday: 8/19 – Soul Calibur IV

“A tale of souls eternally told.”  This translates into hitting each other with swords, spears, hammers, axes, and lightsabers.

Since a few of us just moved and the 360’s aren’t all setup yet or hooked up to internet, I figure I should just host a hotseat event.  The regulars and guests are welcome to come over and beat the stuffing out of each other with custom characters, jedi, or the traditional roster.

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pLayday: 8/12 – cLeanday

pLayday: 8/12 – cLeanday

We can’t host anyone this week due to cleaning. Not sure if/when I’ll be on, so cell me. We can do Halo, GTA, SC4, Rock Band, etc.

running late for pLayday

running late for pLayday

lgx:  i’ll be home after 730… busy here
phokal (aaron):  bakery?
lgx:  no, the crackhouse
lgx:  yes, bakery

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pLayday: 8/4 – Halo 3

pLayday: 8/4 – Halo 3

Today we go back to the basics. Halo. Invite some friends over and let’s LAN it up, yo.

Be sure to have both free mappacks dl’d ahead of time.

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pLayday: 7/22 – delayed

pLayday: 7/22 – delayed

I’ve got some errands to run later this evening.  If you guys want to start ahead of time, go ahead (all Gamertags are on the pLayday page).  Otherwise I think I’d be able to make it @9pm.  Game?  CoD4? GTA4?

Is there a Live Arcade game that we all own? Uno?

pLayday: 7/15 – Wit and Wagers or Halo?

pLayday: 7/15 – Wit and Wagers or Halo?

You Don’t Know Jack *NEEDS* to come out for XBLA.  Until then we have Wits.  Though, I have not purchased it yet and do not know if you can do hotseat AND over Live at the same time.

Also, we may have too many people, in which case Halo is a good fallback.  Paintball Halo, or some Grifball, or Rocket Race.  And some classic FFA on the new Free map.

If we get a low turnout, we can always get some more campaign Metascore achievements in Halo’s campaign.

pLayday: 7/8 – Coop We'll see who co …

pLayday: 7/8 – Coop

We’ll see who comes today. If it is a low number like the last two times, then we may be able to do some Halo achievement hunting, co-op campaign with scoring, gta co-op.
I’m thinking next week, or the week after, we should shoot for some Diablo 2 co-op (up to 8 players). Who’d be interested in that? The battlechest goes on sale for $20. Is it available for that anywhere this week?

pLayday revamp? PC Gaming?

i\'m a bunny!

pLayday revamp?

So, I pose this question:  would pLayday be better on a different day or at a different time or more Systems?

Currently, it seems like people may be able to make a 9pm slot easier than an 8pm.  However, lately we have gone for 2 hrs (8-10pm), and some people can’t play much past 10.  In the current iteration, the slot is 8-9pm and we play longer if we want to.  Would it be improved if it officially started at 9, and people who want to play longer just show up early?  I find this less likely to happen.

Another idea is to mix more systems in.  We have been exclusively Live for a bit now, and I haven’t documented the games people actually own yet (but I should).  We could branch out and fit in some Mario Kart Wii, or Team Fortress 2 for PC.

We all own PC’s.  Would people be willing to pick up games like Team Fortress 2 for $20 (or Orange Box for $30), Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, or freebie’s like Command and Conquer 1, or games we may already own like Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, Fallout Tactics, Defcon, Battlefield 2?

The PC Market certainly has some other options for gaming other than FPS that support more than 4 people, namely RTS and RPG games.

Also, if we want to incorporate PC gaming in, which IM Client should we use?  Since we all have an MSN Messanger accounts (your Live acct uses it, I recommend syncing them up) we could all actively begin to use that.  Or Steam has a friends list as well.