Buy?: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Osama Bin Ladin - Leader of Iraq- err,..something

Buy?: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

I was initially going to fully endorse everyone buy this game. But, from what I’ve seen we may want to hold off. The primary reason initially was Terrorist Hunt was (I thought) going to have a higher player cap. With a max of 4 players, this isn’t the co-op heaven I thought it would be for our larger-than-4-players pLayday group. Adversial, I’m sure, is still great fun, but $60 fun for all of us? I’m thinking CoD4 may be the better purchase (especially since it can be found for only $40 most of the time).

If I crack open R6V2 and find it supports splitscreen AND online at the same time (R6V1 did not, CoD4 does not), then maybe I’ll push it a bit harder. Until then, hold off unless you just want to play it with some friends (like me…you can play with me. I still own it.) since it probably won’t become the pLayday staple I was hoping for.

pLayday: 3/25 – Halo 3 for real this time

H3 Standoff Map

pLayday: 3/25 – Halo 3  for real this time

Alright, so we pretty much ALL missed last week’s pLayday. Poor Boramis was the only one around. Last week, my idea was to have a homework assignment: to make a Custom Game type. Well, I’ve been ridiculously busy this past week, so the assignment is different. Instead: Download the soon to be free Heroic Map Pack.

That’s right, by the time you read this tomorrow, the Heroic Map Pack will be available online for free. 3 new maps: 1 of which is like a small, re-imagined blood gultch (if you’ve played Halo 1 or 2, it was on THIS map), one is an ultra customizable mod tool that isn’t bad on its own,…and I think the 3rd just sucks. But we’ll find out! All of us! Because we were too cheap to spend $10 on 3 new maps (which…really,…that’s way too much).

Griffball (from the Red Vs Blue guys) looks fun. Perhaps we’ll give that a shot later once one of us has it set up. For now, just be sure to download the new pack as it’ll be in standard rotation and we all want to play on the new maps.

pLayday: 3/11 – Halo 3


pLayday: 3/11 – Halo 3

Alright. After last weeks showing, we all learned a valuable lesson:

Space Marines > Marines

Sure, CoD4 may be the new CounterStrike, but it doesn’t have splitscreen. That’s what happens when you are a PC game ported to consoles, rather than a console game. (Console games ported to PC just have ridiculous system requirements).

So let’s go back to a nice staple: Halo 3

Depending on the number of people we get, we can either matchmake, play private matches, or campaign co-op. Any preferences?

pLayday: 3/4 – Call of Duty 4

CoD4 Price

pLayday: 3/4 – Call of Duty 4

I know it isn’t split-screen (and online simultaneously), and not everyone owns it. But Halo 3 two weeks in a row seems a bit lame when most of us have this game. It’s a low hp, high speed match. Think Counterstrike. Larger maps a decent teamplay help a lot. Getting the drop on somebody generally leads to a free kill (much more so often than in Halo).

Experience gained in online matches also directly relates to new class skills, abilities, and guns. There is also a party system similar to Halo’s (though I have yet to use it). It should be fun.

There are many different types of game modes. If anyone has any info on them, or preferences for what we play, post away.

pLayday: 2/25 – Halo 3

Halo Rocket

pLayday: 2/25 – Halo 3

I hear Halo 3 has been patched. So I throw the disc in. Lo and behold, the first patch for Halo 3 is upon us. And from the servers descended thy AutoUpdate 1, patching ye Halo 3 to version 1 point 1. As it is written:

“omg, did j00 fixz melee, bungholes?”

“Yes. We have patched Halo to 1 point 1. Now Melee damage will no longer favor the advantaged over the disadvantaged, the strong over the weak. Now they will both perish in a flurry of fists if they are of almost equal skill and health. So, shutup n00bs.”

And the peasants rejoiced.

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pLayday: 2/19 – Team Fortress 2

TF2 Spy vs Eng

pLayday: 2/19 – Team Fortress 2

It is time for some 2fort. Premise is simple. Capture the flag, and bring it back to base. The flag is located in the basement of the enemy installation (a mirror image of your own). You can get there via the front entrance, then up the stairs and to one of two stairways down, or via the sewer entrance (which leads to the up stairs room).

If we can get 8 of us, we can get that elusive achievement.

I think we all own Orangebox, except for raforce, so we’ll probably flip to another game (Halo or Undertow) partway through if he’s still online. Don’t want to leave anybody out for too long :)

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Upcoming pLayday: 2/12 – Gears of War


Upcoming pLayday: 2/12 – Gears of War

I’m thinking the next pLayday can be Gears of War. Chue will probably be warmed up and turn us all into tiny chunks of meat, but it should be a fun if we can get the team balance down. Or remove the sniper rifle from all the maps.

Any suggestions on maps? playtype will probably be the respawning one (name?).

Oh, here’s your reminder now. Go get the free map packs available online now. They are quite large, so waiting until Tuesday may cut into playtime or map selection.

and Chue: “No playing between now and then. please?”

First Names on xbLive and pLayday page?


First Names on xbLive and pLayday page?

Does anyone have any objection to adding their first names to the Names section of xbLive, and for me adding them to the pLayday page? Most of you know each other, but not everyone, even those you’ve played with on Live before.

Hintzilla, btw, is a friend of mine from WTS. Everyone else are friends I’ve known through the BNMC or Scooter.

pLayday: 2/5 – Undertow


pLayday: 2/5 – Undertow

Real quick post because I was too busy this weekend (and forgot).

The game is Undertow. We all own it. Let’s try it out. If we get bored we can easily switch back over to Halo or another game, depending on who is able to make it tonight.

I would also like to remind that pLayday is only an hour, technically. Think of it as watching a TV show from 8-9pm. There is no commitment (period), but especially none for showing up early, or continuing to play for a full on gaming session of 2+ hours. Hell, if you can only make it for half an hour, that is encouraged.

So, let’s get to trying out this compensation for xblive downtime. If you haven’t played the campaign, I recommend it as a fun split-screen co-op game.

pLayday: 1/28 – Halo 3 multi-team or ffa

Master Chief

pLayday: 1/28 – Halo 3 multi-team or ffa

So far, 8pm seems to be a fine time, so let’s run with that for now. People are free to start a bit earlier, but hopefully you’ll stick around for the 8pm-9pm timeslot. We can also run later, too, depending on if people want to.

As for the game of the week….

Halo 3

Let’s pick an easy one. No thinking needed: we ALL own it. I suggest we start out easy and play as a private match to start with, eventually taking it online after a couple of rounds.

Any suggestions as to the type? Multi-team oddball was pretty fun near the end. There are also a couple of Race types, where multi-teams race around the map to a series of checkpoints. Also, I know no one likes to comment, but a roll call of the vocal would let me know if SOMEONE is planning on showing up ;)