I finally beat: Rainbow Six Vegas

I finally beat Rainbow Six Vegas.  This is one of the games that founded this site.  It’s been in my queue since its release, played sporadically in single player, coop, and multiplayer.  I’ve probably played the first level a couple dozen times in splitscreen multiplayer, or watched 2 friends play it.  And now it’s done.  As usual, most of my initial impressions hold.  But a few things did come up near the end, both good and bad.

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Don’t tell me the ending to: Rainbow Six Vegas

Rainbow Six: Vegas is a solid example of a good, squad based FPS.  It combines excellent teammate AI with deadly enemies, turning you from gung-ho hero into a team member.  You are a part of this team and in many cases *you* are the weak link.  This is a very different feel from your average FPS, where you can run out and do anything.

It is also very different from simply playing on a high difficulty.  Being killed easily here is not the same as a cheapshot from a random soldier who only shoots at you on COD4’s Veteran difficulty.  It is because your tactics fell apart and you were flanked (similar to the excellent Brothers in Arms series).

Let’s not mess with a bad thing: compliment sandwich time. Continue reading