don't tell me the ending to: Castle Crashers

Have you ever played a game in an arcade?  If so you’ve probably played the beat’em-up genre of Castle Crashers.  You move into the foreground, background, and side to side, and you beat up masses of enemies that walk in from the edges of the screen.  Each usually takes a combo or two to put down.  Blocking is optional, the best defense is to walk straight up or down out of the plane of the attack.

You will also have this nostalgia if you had any of the home console versions of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle games (Turtles in Time! Cowabunga!).

Castle Crashers is the most polished example of the genre.  Polished in terms of production values and gameplay.  However, is the best of the genre worth getting if the genre died out years ago?  Read on: my impressions as a compliment sandwich

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Hulk Review SMASH Hulk film! I saw the …

Hulk Review SMASH Hulk film!
I saw the Hulk (more on that later), but here is a pretty humorous review done entirely in Hulk-speak.,,2284938,00.html

I Have Seen: Speed Racer

I Have Seen: Speed Racer

Speed Racer has gotten a bad rap. Sure, it’s not for everyone, but if you go into the movie with certain expectations, then you might find, as I did, a very satisfying experience. With that, here are my top four reasons why you should watch Speed Racer.

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Bioshock – The rich man's Stubbs the Zombie

Stubbs the Zombie

Bioshock – The rich man’s Stubbs the Zombie

Something has been bugging me since I finished Bioshock a few weeks ago. I realized that, while I enjoyed the environments, I hadn’t found them quite as interesting as everyone was saying. The outside vistas were amazing (the one time you got to see them at the beginning of the game, and the occasional look outside a window), but the inside’s art deco setting just was not as jaw dropping pretty as I wanted them to be.

I have just realized: I played this game before. Outsider interloper from the past enters a Utopia built by a single man with a dream. Innate characteristic of foreigner brings change to society and pits character against enigmatic city founder. It a 1959’s retro/futuristic setting.

“But wait, Phokal. Bioshock takes place in 1960.”

“Your right, sir, but Stubbs the Zombie is placed in 1959.”

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