don’t tell me the ending to: Superman Returns
I’ve seen the movie. I wish they had taken the last 45 minutes and left it on the cutting room floor. But that’s not what this post is about. It is about a Superman video game that doesn’t suck.
That doesn’t mean it is good. It means it may be ok, or a little bad. But it doesn’t suck. And that hasn’t happened. Almost Ever. I liked Blizzard’s Death and Return of Superman, but that game was hard and had no co-op, and no way to save your progress. It was like 1player Battle Toads.
This game is like Spiderman 2 (great game), but instead of swinging, you just fly everywhere. In a way that isn’t like driving a semi-truck drunk with a locked steering column through the air. And no, I don’t mean a flying semi-truck through the air; I mean a flying a normal, average semi-truck (see: Superman 64). Continue reading