Crayon Physics Deluxe costs $X! Where X is your imagination.

Crayon Physics Deluxe is having one of those “pay me whatever” sales.  Pay any amount (.01 or $100 million), and you get the game.


It retails for $20 normally (and on steam).  I paid $20 at launch and, while I haven’t beaten it, think it’s a blast to play around with.

If you have a tablet (PC or pad), then this is a must.  Works well with a mouse, too.

To avoid him losing money on this sale, you should probably pay at least $2. I’d recommend $5. I can’t imagine feeling ripped off at $5, even if you find you don’t like the game.  And hell, there’s a demo. Give it a try!

Only thing I’d say: back up your saved games to a shared folder.  I keep loading this game on people’s computers to show it off, and each time I have to start at level 1.

At least watch the video on the main page. Or this one: